Dimanche, 2024-09-29, 1:39 AM
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    Hide and Secret 3 - Pharaoh's Quest

    Continue your globetrotting adventure to reunite the spirits of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and his queen. Enjoy immersive adventure-style gameplay and an expansive hidden object hunt in Hide and Secret 3: Pharaoh's Quest!
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    Nombre total de commentaires: 1
    1 Jhonatan  
    Actually the Triangle is a Judo move. The technique does not exist in any JJJ slrlocs. Of course I am quoting from the book Shime Waza by Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki. Yes Catch did take techniques from everyone though not just Judo and hardly any from JJJ, since this style was becoming extinct at the time. JJJ instructors began calling their styles Judo and practicing in the Kodokan manner.

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